In summer 2016 I wanted to experience the midnight sun and catch the magic light when the sun doesn't go down. Therefore i flew all the way up to the north of Norway - to Tromsø. I was all excited, but unfortunately the weather forecast was very bad. For almost a week the sun didn't shine at all. But I still wanted to capture the beauty of the raw north on the Lofoten Islands. During this long period of fog and cloudiness I found other things to photograph than the magical light: the tipical red houses, rotten planks, wild beaches, tons of fishheads, shipwrecks and mystical mountains.
One night the forecast was perfect and the sun was shining at midnight. I climbed the mountain of Mannen to be ready for the midnight sun. The view was breathtaking, and It was a wonderful night. At 3am the magic was over and I went to bed. It is strange when it never gets dark. And also very nice. I always knew that I could spend the night somewhere on top of the mountain and still find my way home without any problems.