Tuscany is a hotspot for landscape photographers. Therefore, in 2018 I took the chance to go on a photographic journey through Tuscany. Beforehand, I did a research on the internet about the most important places to photograph. There are a lot of workshops and photo tours, so it is easy to get an overview. Once I was there, I started off with those places (especially in Val d’Orcia). But I soon realized that it is not that interesting to take a photograph of a chapel or a house that already has been photographed and posted on the internet a million times. The Podere Belvedere for example might be one of the most photographed houses in Europe. I spotted it because there were lots of cars parked right next to the road. Then I saw the tripods all lined up, everybody ready to take the same photgraph at the exact same time as many others before. I decided to keep going and find my own project: I went up the hills on some sandy, lonely roads and tried to find compositions during golden hour, when the first rays of sun caress the hills of Tuscany. That was my thing: the golden hours in the morning and in the evening in the hills of Val d’Orcia.